Consultation des revues

Ce module vous permet de consulter la liste des revues.

ind titre issn editeur ACTIONS
128435 Journal of Global Diabetes & Clinical Metabolism
128436 Les Cahiers de l'OHMi Tessekere
128437 Journal of Computer Science & Systems Biology 0974-7230 OMICS International
128438 Pédiatrie - Maladies infectieuses
128442 Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science 2336-2375 Faculty of Economics and Management, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
128446 Italian Politics & Society 2291-143X APSA
128447 International Journal of Earth Science and Geophysics 2631-5033 Vibgyor
128448 Proceedings of the Romania Academy, Series A
128449 Journal of Textile Engineering & Fashion Technology 2574-8114 MedCrave
128450 L'Atrium Revue électronique du CNSMD de Lyon
128452 Journal of Nutrition and Health 2469-4185 Avens Publishing Group
128453 Journal of Food Processing & Beverages 2332-4104 Avens Publishing Group
128454 Temporis Signa 1970-514X Fondazione Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medioevo
128455 Food science and biotechnology 1226-7708 Springer/Korean Society of Food Science and Technology
128457 International Aquatic Research 2008-4935 Islamic Azad University
128459 Rivista di archeologia 0392-0895 Giorgio Bretschneider
128465 Journal of Hand Surgery (European Volume) 1753-1934 SAGE Publishing
128468 Veterinary Medicine and Science 2053-1095 Wiley
128472 Comparative Korean Studies 1226-2250
128473 Art sacré 1637-147X [Le Blanc]: Rencontre avec le patrimoine religieux
128474 Studies in Applied Mechanics 0922-5382 Elsevier
128475 Smarginature
128479 LLACS
128481 Études et recherches en philologie. Série langues romanes 1843-3979 Editura Universității din Pitești
128482 International Journal for Innovative Research in Multidisciplinary Field 2455-0620 Research Culture Society & Publication
128489 Red Latinoamericana de Metodología de las Ciencias Sociales Universidad Nacional de La Plata
128490 Contemporary Social Sciences Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences
128491 Plural Revista do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Sociologia da USP
128496 Mockup Magazine Giulia Marini, Matteo Tuveri
128498 Pasiphae. Rivista di filologia e antichità egee 1974-0565 Fabrizio Serra Editore
128499 Le Castor Magazine
128502 Insitu 2002-7656
128505 Asia-Pacific Journal of Sports Medicine, Arthroscopy, Rehabilitation and Technology 2214-6873
128507 EMC - Aparato Locomotor 1286-935X
128511 ESO Travaux et documents
128520 Drinking Water Engineering and Science 1996-9465
128523 Environmental Management and Sustainable Development 2164-7682 Macrothink Institute
128525 Journal of Brand Strategy
128527 Case Studies in Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 2214-6571
128528 Sport Science Review 2069-7244 De Gruyter Open
128529 movements. Journal for Critical Migration and Border Regime Studies 2364-8732
128532 Journal of Settlements and Spatial Planning 2069-3419 Centre for Research on Settlements and Urbanism, Cluj University Press (Presa Universitară Clujeană), Romania
128534 European Chemical Bulletin Deuton-X
128535 Orthopedics 1938-2367
128540 Tantak 0214-9753 UPV/EHU
128541 Ikastaria 1137-4446 Eusko Ikaskuntza
128542 Materialia
128543 TMS2013 Supplemental Proceedings